Nearly missed you this week...busy times and scary times for many of us. This is Torah Thoughts from the Jewish Congregation of Mason City, Adas Israel. Thanks for coming by.
This week's Torah Portion is Shoftim (Judges) and you can find it in Deut. 16:18 - 21:9. Here, in the very first sentence we are told, "Judges and officers shall you appoint in all your cities...and they shall judge with righteous judgement." The Torah it telling us we must be followers of the law. That we must not accept a bribe "...for the bribe will blind the eyes of the wise and make just words crooked".
What a lesson for our time.
We are also reminded against serving idols, "Forbidden Trees and Pillars" worshiped as idols, Blemished Sacrifice, Penalties for Idolatry, The Supreme Court, The King, Levitical Priests, Priestly Portions, Special Service, Divination and Prophecy, Cities of Refuge, Murder, Preserving Boundaries, Conspiring Witnesses, Preparing for War, Taking Captives, Conducting a Siege and the Case of the Unsolved Murder.
That's a bunch of stuff!
Then we have the famous admonition: "Righteousness, Righteousness shall you pursue, so that you will live and possess the Land that the Almighty your G-d, gives you" (Deut. 16:20).
Finally in Deut. 19:9 we are told, " love the L-rd, your G-d, and to walk in His ways all the days..." What does this mean?
The Sages explain that walking in G-d's ways means that we must emulate Him by bestowing kindness and being compassionate. Some people mistakenly think that if they do someone a favor, especially a major one, that they have fulfilled their obligation to do chesed (kindness) for the next few weeks. Therefore, says Rabbi Yisroel Meir Kagan, the Torah stresses that the obligation of chesed (kindness) is all the days. Every single day of our lives we must go out of our way to do someone a favor. This is how we can be like the Almighty!
It is a matter of focus and thinking ahead. Make it your policy to hold the door for someone. If a car wants to enter from a side street, allow it to enter in front of you. Before you leave your home in the morning, put a coin for tzedakah (charity) in a pushka (a charity box). You will find that walking "in His ways all the days" is so easy, if you plan in advance.