One of the most interesting stories in the Torah unfolds this week as we meet the gentile prophet Balaam. G-d wished to give to the non-Jewish people a prophet, someone who could communicate with Him and then help direct the gentiles of the world so that they too could become a righteous people. That task fell on Balaam an intriguing character -- honor-driven, arrogant and self-serving. Unfortunately, not too unique among mankind.
In this Torah Portion (Numbers 22:2 - 25:9) we learn of his story and of his being hired by Balak the King of Moab. He wanted to hire Balaam to curse the Jewish people and was willing to pay for it. It is interesting that Balak believed in G-d and the power of invoking a curse from G-d, yet thought that G-d would change His mind about His Chosen People. (We should note here that G-d is not a man who changes his mind about such things.) Meanwhile Balaam was very excited to accept the assignment to curse the Jews -- more for the profit motive than the prophet motive....sorry.
What happens is that G-d cautions Balaam to only say what He tells him to say. What transpires is an amazing lesson in who controls...what.
Three times Balaam tried to curse the Jews and three times the Almighty placed blessings in his mouth. Balak was furious! So, Balaam gave him advice with hopes of collecting his fee -- "If you want to destroy the Jewish people, entice the men with Moabite women and tell the women not to submit until the men bow down to an idol." Balak followed the advice and consequently the Almighty brought a plague against the Jewish people because the men fell for Balaam's plot. We see from this that the Almighty hates licentiousness and idol worship.
So, what do we learn from this story? How about the lesson of improving our own character? We can, and we often do, point out character flaws in others. But, we learn from this story that to become truly righteous we must work on our own character. In the words of a great rabbi, "The only way to die as a righteous person is to live as one."
We have lots of living to do....let's do it...correctly.
Have a wonderful Shabbat!
Adas Israel will hold our monthly Eve Shabbat Service on Friday the 26th at 7:15pm and then our Bible Study or Midrash starting at 10:00am. Both events will take place at the Shul and everyone is invited to attend.
Shabbat Shalom!