Welcome to Torah Thoughts from Adas Israel the Jewish Congregation of Mason City, Iowa. Each week we take a look at the Parsha (portion) and share some thoughts on how it might impact our lives today. This week we read from Devarim (Words) Deut. 1:1 - 3:22 and the final "book" of the Torah. And why is it called Devarim (Words)? "These are the words that Moses spoke to all Israel..."
Let's go!
This final "book" of the Torah is often described as the Mishneh Torah or the "Repetition of the Torah" because here Moses starts to review the commandments the people received following the escape from Egypt. It is the summation of his work before he dies. Here he looks back on the 40 years of wandering the desert, reviews the laws of the Torah and gives rebuke so that the Jewish people will learn from their mistakes. Giving reproof right before one dies is often the most effective time to offer advice and correction; people are more inclined to pay attention and to take it to heart.
In this portion we read, "May Hashem (The Name), the G-d of your forefathers, add to you a thousand times yourselves, and bless you as He has spoken of you." What does Moses mean by saying adding "yourselves" rather than just saying, "...add to you a thousand times, and bless you..."?
It's a good question.
Since Moses was reproving the people for their errors, he wanted to make sure that they would not feel depressed and discouraged by his criticism. Therefore, he told them that he did not consider them to be evil, but rather there should be a thousand fold more just like them! What can we learn from that statement?
If we need to admonish someone, then the goal is for them to change. To do that, the person must feel good about himself and feel that you value him. Therefore, 1) don't condemn the person 2) find something positive to praise 3) gently show the person the negative results of his behavior 4) set out the benefits to him for changing his actions.
Anyone can make a person feel awful; it takes a real artisan to build someone up.
And oh...how we need to remember that today.
Adas Israel will meet for our Erv Shabbat Service on Friday the 23rd of August at 7:15pm with a kiddish to follow. Then on Shabbat (Saturday) we'll hold our Midrash to discuss Parsha Ekev (Deut. 7:12 - 11:25) and that will be at 10:00am also at the Shul. We'll also be visiting with our friend Zachary Liebow who is new to Iowa and working on behalf of the Democratic Majority for Israel. Their goal is to visit with the candidates criss-crossing Iowa and ask about their support for Israel. All are invited to attend.
Thanks for reading and see you in Shul!
So.....we’ll have a guest. How nice
Posted by: Peter | 08/09/2019 at 05:53 PM
Yes, Peter...this should be interesting. He is wondering about our overall support of Israel. The piece you sent me this week, I think, is key. Thank you again.
Posted by: Michael P Libbie | 08/15/2019 at 09:48 AM