Torah Thoughts is a regular post from Adas Israel, the Jewish Congregation of Northern Iowa based in Mason City. Here you'll learn more about our faith and about the bible as we dive into the weekly Torah Portion this week called Trumah (Hebrew for "a portion") and is Ex. 21:1 - 27:17. You'll find the word Trumah as the twelfth word in the reading. "Hashem (The Name) spoke to Moses, saying: Speak to the Children of Israel and let them take for me a portion, from every man whose heart motivates him you shall take My portion."
So, what's going on? Moses is instructed to build a "resting place" for the presence of G-d. That place is known as the Mishkin (dwelling place). You may know it as the Tabernacle. In fact, the rest of the Book of Exodus is all about the preparations for and the building of the Mishkin.
So we have an interesting sentence that has great meaning for us today in this opening line. Why didn't G-d say, "Go to the Children of Israel and collect gold and silver and any manner of valuables..." No, He said "...take for me a portion, from every man whose heart motivates him".
If the heart is not motivated what value is the gift? Having a motivated heart or a love is essential for any gift to have meaning and true value. People (well maybe some) don't buy their love flowers or candy because everybody else is doing that on February 14. No, for the gift to have meaning...the heart must be motivated otherwise it's just
How does this work in our lives and in our faith? When we take the time to read the Torah and to study the words and when we do that out of a deep desire to learn because our heart is motivated to better understand our relationship with G-d then...the effort is truly special and it is seen as a gift and a blessing. And, when it comes to Tzedakah (Charity) it is our heart that must be motivated.
This lesson is important for us to truly understand the motivation of all our actions. Yes we can use our mind and be intelectual in our choices of action but if we leave out the heart those actions can be cold and indifferent.
Service Schedule
Our next Erv Shabbat Service will be Friday, March 20 at 7:15PM and our Midrash (Torah Study) will be on Shabbat (Saturday) starting at 10:00AM. We had lots of new faces with us this month. We hope to see you and your friends back. All are welcome to join our services and our study session. Our goal is to respect you and your faith choice and help you better understand the Torah.
Also, mark your calendars! Our Community Seder will take place on April 11 starting at 5:30PM. Can you believe it that Passover is just around the corner?
See you in Shul!